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Leasing Used Copy Machines: Your Complete Guide

Written by Craig Bell | December 05, 2023

Managing costs without compromising on business efficiency is a delicate balancing act. One significant aspect of this balance is how businesses handle their office technology needs, particularly copying and printing.

While new, state-of-the-art copy machines offer the latest features, they come with a hefty price tag. In fact, a commercial copier can cost your business anywhere from a couple of thousand Canadian dollars all the way up to $50,000 and more. 

One solution for your business is leasing a used copy machine. To help, we’ve created this guide that explains the advantages of leasing a used copy machine, what to consider, and three crucial steps in finding the right agreement. 

The Advantages Of Leasing Used Copy Machines

✔️ Cost Savings 

The most apparent advantage of leasing used copy machines is the cost factor. For businesses, minimizing upfront capital expenditure is crucial. Leasing allows your business to avoid the hefty initial investment required for new machines. Additionally, it transforms a large capital expense into an affordable, predictable monthly expense, aiding in better cash flow management.

✔️ Flexibility and Scalability 

Business needs are constantly changing, and the flexibility that comes with leasing is invaluable. Leasing allows your company to upgrade or change equipment according to your evolving needs without being tied down to a depreciating asset. This scalability ensures that your business always has access to the right equipment to meet current demands.

✔️ Maintenance and Support 

Maintenance of office equipment can be a hassle and an added expense for your business. Leasing used copy machines often includes maintenance and support in the agreement, ensuring that any malfunctions or repairs are handled swiftly and without extra costs. This aspect of leasing alleviates the burden on your internal resources and ensures minimal downtime in office operations.

✔️ Technological Relevance

Even used copy machines can offer the modern features necessary for today's business operations. Leasing these machines allows your business to access technology like network connectivity, double-sided printing, and high-resolution scanning without the hefty price tag of newer models.

What to Consider Before Leasing a Used Copy Machine

Assessing Your Business Needs: It's essential to understand your business's specific copying and printing needs. Factors to consider include the volume of printing, the need for colour versus black and white, paper sizes, and additional features like scanning or faxing. Understanding these requirements will help in selecting a machine that aligns with your business operations.

Understand the Lease Terms: Lease agreements come with various terms and conditions. It's important to understand the duration of the lease, the payment structure, and what happens at the end of the lease term. Businesses should also inquire about the possibility of an early upgrade in case their needs change sooner than anticipated.

Ensure the Equipment is Reliable: While leasing a used copy machine is cost-effective, it’s crucial to ensure the equipment is reliable. Look into the age of the machine, its usage history, and the reputation of the brand. A reputable vendor should provide a history of the machine and any refurbishments it has undergone.

Service and Maintenance History: Investigate the machine's maintenance track record. Regular service history indicates a well-maintained machine that's likely to perform reliably.

Training and Support: Ensure that the leasing company offers adequate training on how to use the machine and provides ongoing support. This training is crucial for maximizing the efficiency of the equipment and preventing misuse or operational errors.

How to Find the Right Lease Agreement for Used Copy Machines

Step #1 - Compare Vendors

Not all lease agreements or vendors are created equal. When searching for a vendor, consider their range of available machines, the terms they offer, and the level of customer support provided. It's beneficial to choose a vendor that has a wide selection of machines and offers comprehensive support services.

Step #2 - Negotiate Lease Terms

While lease terms are often presented as standard, there is usually room for negotiation. Businesses can negotiate flexible payment plans, maintenance inclusions, or upgrades. This negotiation can lead to a more tailored agreement that better fits your specific needs and budget constraints.

Step #3 -  Evaluate the Total Cost of Ownership 

Beyond the monthly lease payment, consider the total cost of leasing a copy machine. This includes maintenance costs, supplies like toner or paper, and any potential hidden fees. A thorough understanding of these costs will provide a clearer picture of the financial commitment involved.

Need help finding the right copy machine for your business? Get in touch with OT Group today. Our team of office technology experts in Ontario are ready to help your business find a copier that suits your unique needs and budget.