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VoIP Phone System: 5 Things to Consider When Choosing a VoIP Provider

Written by Craig Bell | December 02, 2021

Businesses have more options than ever before when it comes to upgrading their phone system. The right phone system can improve productivity, enhance the customer experience and save significant amounts of money for an organization. 

To access all of the above benefits, a large number of businesses are moving over to VoIP phone systems, which offer organizations additional functionality, easier management, cost savings and a superior communication system. 

Choose the right VoIP system with OT Group’s Four-Step Process.

The most important aspect of any VoIP phone system is partnering with the right provider for the specific needs of your business. That’s why we’ve created this blog of the five most important things to consider when choosing your VoIP provider.

Before we get into that, however, let’s first take a look at what VoIP actually is and how a cloud based phone system can benefit your business. 

A quick overview, and why you need a VoIP phone system

Hosted VoIP - or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a cloud-based phone system which, simply put, is a technology that allows employees of a business to make phone calls over an internet connection. 

This is a completely different technology to legacy phone systems, which carry voice signals using analog phone lines. These require the setup of circuit wiring to make and receive phone calls. 

VoIP, on the other hand, simply converts voice into digital signals that can be transmitted over your local internet network. VoIP has become significantly more stable and reliable in recent years as internet connections have improved.

VoIP is now the go-to solution for any business looking to upgrade their phone system. The benefits of VoIP include:

✔️ Cost savings: VoIP savings each month are significant when compared with traditional phone systems. Initial investments can be expensive, but phone lines and additional services are charged at a flat-rate each month and are cost-effective.

✔️ Scalability: Phone lines with VoIP can be added or taken away easily, meaning a VoIP phone system is the perfect scalable solution for any company that experiences fast growth, staffing fluctuations or seasonal demand.

✔️ It’s great for the remote workforce: Since VoIP is internet-enabled, employees can use your company’s phone lines no matter where they are working from. As long as your remote team has internet access, then they can make and receive phone calls from your company line. 

✔️ Access to features that aren’t available with traditional phone systems: VoIP phone lines can include features such as virtual assistance, video chat auto-attendant and so many unique functionalities that make them so much more efficient and effective than traditional phone technologies. 

5 questions to consider before choosing your VoIP provider

So, if you’re considering upgrading your phone system to VoIP, what should you look for in your VoIP provider? We’ve listed five key questions here to help your business choose the best provider for your company’s unique requirements. 

1 - What is the total cost of ownership?

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a VoIP provider, as with any major business decision, will be the overall cost of ownership of your investment. When answering this question, you're going to want to ask your provider how much they estimate the solution will cost you over the next, say, three or five years.

This cost should include all of the variables that come with a VoIP phone system, including your monthly subscription costs (which will likely be per user), potential feature upgrades to the system, and the cost of hardware if required. 

2 - What features do you require?

There are a huge number of additional features that come with any VoIP phone system, and some providers may provide some features for free, while other providers will charge extra to include those features. 

When comparing providers, it’s crucial to know what features your business needs and which ones you can skip. Do you need international calling? Are you interested in Business text messaging? There are so many features when it comes to VoIP, so work with your potential partner to work out which ones will help your business grow.

3 - Does the provider offer reliable customer service? 

When you work with a VoIP system provider, they’ll assume the responsibility of maintaining your system. That means you should work with a provider that you trust to deliver reliable and consistent service. 

When you do encounter an issue, you’ll want to work with a VoIP partner that is fast to respond and quick to resolve your issue. Ask your potential provider what their customer service is like - many providers will have service level agreements so you know exactly what kind of support to expect.

4 - Does the system work for your remote workforce? 

If you have adopted a more flexible work environment, a cloud based phone solution is the perfect phone system to support your employees no matter where they are working from. That’s because all your employees need is an internet connection, and they can use your VoIP phone line through either a traditional desk phone or even through a mobile application. 

Hosted VoIP is typically the best solution for a business looking to support the remote workforce.

5 - Will the VoIP phone system integrate with your company’s other software?

With VoIP integrations, users can switch between different systems and sync information between them. This can improve employee productivity,and significantly streamline workflows. When choosing your VoIP phone system, make sure it can integrate with the other systems you need it to. Examples of VoIP integrations include Sales force, Dropbox and many more.

Interested in learning more about VoIP phone systems? Contact OT Group today. We would love to help.