Insights | OT Group

Is Your Ontario Business’ IT Infrastructure Set Up For Success?

Written by Craig Bell | June 29, 2021

For successful business growth, it’s crucial that you have a clear path laid out for the future. But that doesn’t just apply to product development, workforce needs and KPIs, it also applies to your office technology

Your company’s technology is a crucial component of successful business growth. Technology has an important impact on the operations of your business, from your internal efficiencies, monthly expenses and your ability to please your customers.

For any successful business, it’s important to undergo an IT infrastructure assessment

What is an IT infrastructure assessment?

An IT infrastructure assessment is a comprehensive review of your current technology systems, with recommendations and best practices on how you can improve these systems for better cost savings and improved efficiencies. 

An IT infrastructure assessment is aimed at helping your organization get the most out of its current technologies, as well as suggesting new technologies that are more efficient than your existing systems.

The focus of an IT infrastructure assessment is on recommending, implementing and training your staff in new technologies that improve your internal processes, reduce costs and make your business more profitable, as well as training you on how to better optimize your existing technologies. 

What are the benefits of an IT infrastructure assessment?

An IT infrastructure assessment will ensure your small business has the technologies, software and hardware it needs to improve the performance of your business, enhance the experience of your employees, decrease downtime and reduce your monthly expenses. 

This all leads to a more efficient and profitable business. With that in mind, here are the top five ways in which your business will benefit from an IT infrastructure assessment: 

1 - Understand your current system

To improve your existing IT infrastructure you need to fully understand your current system. That means gaining clear visibility into the technologies that are working, what isn’t working, your current strengths and weaknesses and where you can optimize technologies for better performance. Once you know what is and isn’t working, you can start building an IT strategy that promotes greater efficiencies and higher profits.

2 - Improve your internal efficiencies and boost employee productivity

Your company’s technology may have been state-of-the-art at one time. However, the more that your business grows and the more time that passes, the more your business is left with outdated systems. IT evolves at a rapid pace, and unless you are on top of those changes it’s likely your technology is no longer meeting your business needs. An IT infrastructure assessment will find out exactly what is and isn’t working within your company, and come up with a plan that dramatically boosts the efficiency and productivity of your employees. 

3 - Save money!

By identifying what isn’t working within your current IT infrastructure, you can start to streamline your systems and reduce IT costs. Whether it’s optimizing current technologies, implementing new ones or simply getting rid of legacy systems, your business will be able to save money by scaling back to the technologies that truly promote better performance.

4 - Base your future IT decisions on fact

An IT infrastructure assessment is an analysis of your company’s entire technology picture. No longer will you have to rely on anecdotal information about how your systems are working. Instead, get cold hard facts that tell you exactly how your technology is performing, how it can be improved and what you need for future growth.

OT Group is here to evaluate and improve your IT infrastructure

All businesses want to spend money more strategically and improve internal efficiencies, but many simply don’t know how to optimize their existing technologies or implement new technologies to make that happen.

But don’t worry, OT Group has a solution for your business. Serving organizations between the GTA, Montreal and North Ottawa area, our IT infrastructure assessment can dramatically improve your processes. 

Our IT infrastructure assessment aims to:

  • Reduce operating costs through the optimization of existing equipment.
  • Discover additional ways to maximize your technology investments.
  • Identify areas within your business where you have unnecessary tech expenses. 
  • Provide facts into the performance of your existing systems.

Want to learn more? Contact OT Group today. Our team of technology specialists would love to discuss your challenges and how your business can turn those into new cost-saving and efficiency opportunities.