Q: When can I expect my order?
If your order was sent via FEDEX, you should receive an email containing a tracking number. Deliveries are typically next-day delivery.
Q: Can I order the following from you?
Please contact us at: orders@otgroup.ca or call 1-800-267-5594 to find out more information.
Q: How do I order supplies?
Please contact us at: orders@otgroup.ca or call 1-800-267-5594 to order any supplies that your company needs.
Q: How can my office save on the cost of colour copying and printing?
Our simple Tiered Colour Pricing program uses innovative colour tracking technology, ensuring that you only pay for the colour toner that you actually use on every single page that your business prints. By only paying for the colour coverage you actually use, your business could reduce colour printing costs by up to 50 percent.
Q: How do I know what my Tier Colour Billing program will cost my office?
Contact your OT Group representative for more information on 1-800-267-5594 or email us at support@otgroup.ca. We have a data sample of over 28,000,000 (yes million) pages printed on this program broken down by sector, and we would be happy to help you determine what your average billing rate would be.
Q: How do I connect a photocopier to my computer network?
Please call our Helpdesk for assistance on 1-800-267-5594 or email us at support@otgroup.ca.
Q: We are moving to a new location, is it okay for me to move my machine or do you have to do it? How soon can you move it? Is there a charge?
We recommend that you contact us to assist with a machine move to avoid any damages that may void the warranty. Please contact us at: support@otgroup.ca or call 1-800-267-5594 for more details on moving your machines.
Q: How do I request a service call?
Please contact us at: support@otgroup.ca or call 1-800-267-5594 to request a service call with our team of experts.
Q: Part of the image is cut off or is crooked, what do I do?
Check the guides in the paper tray to ensure they are in the correct position. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, please call us at 1-800-267-5594 or email us at support@otgroup.ca.
Q: The image is too light or faint, should I add toner?
No, please contact us at: orders@otgroup.ca or call 1-800-267-5594 for more information.
Q: The photocopier says load paper but there is paper in the tray, what should I do?
Select "status monitor" button" the screen that comes up will show you what type and size of paper you are asking for and from which tray, eg A4 tray 1. Ensure you are asking for a size and type that is loaded.
Q: If I receive a meter request and do not send in my meter by the deadline what will happen?
We will estimate the meter reading based on previous usage. If we estimate two consecutive readings, we will call for updated contact information. The DCA (data collection agent) is the most efficient way for us to read meters. Contact us at orders@otgroup.ca or call 1-800-267-5594 if you’d like more information.
Q: I am on the DCA (Data Collection Agent) to read meters remotely, why did I receive a meter request?
This indicates we have lost connection and cannot read the meter remotely at this time. Our helpdesk can assist with re-connection. Contact us at orders@otgroup.ca or call 1-800-267-5594 to learn more.
Q: I have two meter reading requests (the first and the reminder), why will the link not work on the first request?
Once we send the reminder email, only the reminder link will be active for security reasons.
Q: Where is my machine/customer number located?
The machine/customer number is located on the OT Group sticker located on the front of the machine.
Q: How do I recycle the toner cartridges or waste bottles?
Please contact us and we can provide information for prepaid shipping labels to send toner cartridges and waste bottles back to the manufacturer for recycling. For more information email us at orders@otgroup.ca or call 1-800-267-5594.
Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, EFT (electronic funds transfer), e-transfers and cheques.
Q: Do you offer automatic payments?
We offer automatic credit card payments and would be happy to set that up for you.
Corporate Head Office
53b Grills Rd R.R.5P:800.267.5594
Your friendly IT Services provider in the Ottawa to Toronto corridor.
OT Group Eastern Ontario Locations: Ottawa | Cornwall | Brockville | Kingston | Belleville | Peterborough | Whitby | Vaughan | Toronto | Markham | Ajax | Oshawa |
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